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STANDARD 3: life science

The student will understand the interdependence of organisms and their interaction with the physical environment

KANSAS STANDARD 6: science in personal and environmental perspectives

The student will develop an understanding of the overall functioning of human systems and their interaction with the environment in order to understand specific mechanisms and processes related to health issues.   

Intro to anatomy

Unit Description

This will be an intro into anatomy, so that they can get a basic understanding for the rest of the class.

Lesson Description for Day

go over a powerpoint/model so students understand the basic location and functions of body parts

State Standard


-identify each organ and gain basic understanding of functions

-learn the general functions of each body system

-understand how the body systems are connected 

Lesson Goals

-take notes to gain knowledge over the ways of the body

-visually understand where the parts of the body are 

-complete a learning guide that demonstrates their knowledge

Anticipatory Set

the model will be positioned at the front of the room and a power point will be up so students anticipate to be working on the human body systems.

Introduce and Model New Knowledge

ask what the students know as of that moment

-intro slides

-go over definitions 

-students pick partner

-they go to each station and learn something new 

-each station has a QR code and info over that organ

-kahoot over what they learned 

Provide Guided Practice

-lecture on the body functions

-overview of each system

 -let students work with models around the room to complete worksheet 

Provide Independent Practice

-look up vocab used from today


review the day's work, go over homework, and inform about tomorrow's lesson

formative assessment

students will be tested by given questions they will answer on a weekly basis. 

i.e. if we are talking about the brain, i will sit down with them and ask them where/what each thing does. Depending on how they do, I can see whether or not they need more practice 

Other Resources​

binder, notebook paper, pen, 

Summative assessment

presentation or test on what they have learned

- kahoot shows what the students understand 


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